These tolerances are 3 types.

  • 1. Tolerances for gl accounts

  • 2. Tolerances for employees

  • 3. Tolerances for vendors and customers.

In real time the system does not allow the users to process and post transactions beyond these limits set according to the tolerance groups. The screen shot of the gl tolerances after giving the input is as under. Note: Don't give the tolerance groups in your individual systems. Null group permit all users. If you mention the user group it allows the particular group only. For lab environment. It is advisable to process with null group. Other create the groups and assign the users to groups

Path: spro>img>financial accounting>general ledger accounting>business transactions>open item clearing>clearing diff> define tolerance for gl accounts. TC: OBAO

Give company code

Give description of the tolerances Give debit absolute amount credit absolute amount and dr % and cr %. Save. If you assign this group to particular general ledger master the tolerances mentioned for this group applicable for the GL account.

Tolerances for employees: path: same as above: TC: OBA4.

Select new entries button

  • Give company code

  • Give the description of the tolerances

  • Give the maximum of amount per document: 99999999

  • Give the maximum amount per line items: 999999999

  • Give the maximum cash discount as: 5%

  • Give permitted differences revenue: 500 expenses: 500 and dr%and cr%

  • Give cash discount adjusted to: 100

With the above configurations we have completed the basic settings like as organizational units, general ledger accounting, tolerances, and other Global settings required for posting entries by the user in gl accounting. Amount per document: this is the maximum amount for the user groups to deal with the document limits. Maximum line item or open item: this is maximum amount to make the payment of line item while doing the clearing function. Maximum discount: the discount allowed by this user group while dealing with the incoming and outgoing payments Permitted payment difference either income or revenue in absolute amount or percentage of line item (lower of the two will be considered) as payment difference. The last column amount of difference up to the amount automatically considers as the cash discount.